While researching menu code the other day, I found a link to HTML Dog-HTML and CSS Tutorials, References, Articles and News
It’s a guide and resource, for beginners and experts alike, to the most commonly used technologies in making web pages – HTML and CSS (what no PHP :-)?).
It’s broken up into three categories –
The Beginner’s Guides (HTML Beginner’s Guide and CSS Beginner’s Guide) are step-by-step tutorials for those who have no previous knowledge of web design and should serve as a general introduction to the basics.
The Intermediate Guides (HTML Intermediate Guide and CSS Intermediate Guide) are bits and pieces that may interest the novice and expert – they include the next-step of features on from the Beginner’s Guides, but may also contain information that advanced users are unaware of.
The Advanced Guides (HTML Advanced Guide and CSS Advanced Guide) include various subject areas, exploring the exploitation of HTML and CSS to their full accessible, low-bandwidth, feature-rich potential.
Some Reference Guides.
Html Dog – Html Tags Reference and
Html Dog – CSS Properties
The site is run Patrick Griffiths currently based in London and he has really strong opinions about Standards Compliance. He has written a really good resource.