Silly Cameras, Diggers and GPS Games

This is one of those really great projects that make the web fun. phototag

From the phototag hype…
“Phototag is a community photography project where we retrofit cheap disposable cameras with shiny new packaging, artwork, instructions and return postage. Each camera is then passed along to friends and strangers with the request that they take one picture and pass it along to someone else. (Phototaggers can also report on their experiences at our website.) Once all the film is used up, the last Phototagger can simply drop the camera in the mailbox–the return address, postage and all the fine folks at the United State Postal Service will handle things from there. When we get the cameras back we post the pictures here on the Phototag website so everyone can see.”

Don’t you find that glorious idea. I remember some people doing the same thing with books a few years back, there was a note in the front cover saying that when you finished reading it, leave it in a public place for someone else to read and move it on. There is something very San Francisco Digger about all this stuff. Read Emmet Grogan’s book Ringolevio if you can find a copy ( somehow I don’t see someone leaving it on the train for you), Amazon list secondhand copies.

Some other wonderfully silly things you can do if you happen to have a GPS thingy lying around, try geocaching. Read the link and it will explain the finer points.


the Degree Confluence Project
“The project is an organized sampling of the world. There is a confluence within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you’re on the surface of Earth. We’ve discounted confluences in the oceans and some near the poles, but there are still 12,082 to be found.” There was one up past Belgrave.

Categorized as Mondays

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