More from the AES (watch all your wallets scurry of to a safe hiding place).
Now you will remember a few posts back about the Snowball mic and the Sony Digital Recorder (well I still want the Sony), today’s item is about the PreSonus INSPIRE 1394.
We wont worry about a picture it’s basically a little grey box, loaded with lots of audio goodness.
Seriously we are talking a FireWire Recording System featuring professional quality 24-bit/96k analog to digital conversion rate, four simultaneous inputs (kind of), a software control panel as well as audio recording and production software giving you possibly the smallest, most flexible, most affordable and all-inspiring computer recording studio ever! (the advertising dudes were obviously being paid per superlative).
The microphone and instrument preamplifiers loaded in the INSPIRE 1394 are designed to deliver ultra-low noise, high gain preamplification for all types of microphones and instruments needed for professional quality recordings and my laptop has a firewireport already waiting. Presonus seems to get good write ups from EM and the like.
Apart from the audio goodness it’s pretty well OS ecumenical, the software will install happily Windows XP and Macintosh-based computers (need to pick up the Linux world a bit there guys) and works “seamlessly” with virtually all popular recording software including Cubase, Nuendo, Sonar, Cakewalk, Logic, Logic Express, Digital Performer etc.
Did I mention my laptop has a firewire port already waiting
You can also daisy chain these things up to get more inputs, say for drums etc.
You want it, you know you do… and my laptop has a firewire port already waiting.
(Oh yeah I still want the Snowball mic as well… it’s just so damn cute.)
UPDATE: Isn’t it always the way
Behringer have just announced their new firewire interface. F-CONTROL AUDIO FCA202
Price AU$180 AU$160
greymetal box (check),
tiny (check),
1/4 inch line-level stereo ins and outs,
no preamps,
headphone socket with volume knob,
24/96 recording (check),
comes with freebie version of Ableton Live. You need a laptop to run it (mine still has that Firewire interface just begging to be used)
Half the price of the new Presonus Inspire, but the lack of preamps would be the reason. Why didn’t they spring for mixer channel or two?