You aren’t using Firefox? You mean you are still using that OTHER browser, you know the one… blue circle, crap interface, breaks things, takes over your system like memory didn’t coast anything. Well that’s just so last millenium. Heres an idea why not dabble a toe into OSS (thats Open Source Software) , yes that’s right type in http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ or just click that link you just skimmed over (no tiresome typing) and Download yourself a copy.
That’s alright I’ll wait (dum dum, dum,da dum dum, da, da dum dum, da dum dum ) Oh you’re back, I was just humming All ALong the Watchtower.
Now that you have a copy of Firefox you can start filling it with plugins (and this is where the fun really begins).
Let’s start with Reminderfox that you can remind yourself of all the reasons you got rid of that OTHER browser, So What is it?
Well ReminderFox is a Firefox extension that displays and manages lists of date-based reminders and ToDo’s. ReminderFox does not seek to be a full-fledged calendar system (cough BackPack cough). In fact, the target audience is anybody that simply wants to remember important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc) without having to run a fat calendar application and seeing asthough we all have browsers running nearly all the time, it seems a good place to stick them
Cool huh, I will be featuring some more of these useful little add-ons as time strolls along.