Another quick one this week, but it’s another short week (it’s a good excuse anyway) so on we go.
Airport is a short film (no nothing to do with the bad 70’s disaster flick) about a guy who goes on a plane journey, checks into a hotel and comes home , “No biggie: I hear you say but (yep there’s that
word again) the trick is that the entire film consists of animated airport infographics of little ped-people interacting with each other and with ped-style illustrations of taxis, water-fountains and planes. Fun with stuff isn’t even close..
Opps… BIG Oops Dept. Still while we are on the subject of Aircraft…
So it’s time to test the fire extinguisher at the Air Force base.
Simple eh?
Turn it on let it run, say 10 to15 seconds and then turn it off.
Simple eh?
Well how about two out of three. They turned it on and but something went wrong and it ran and ran, until foam nearly filled the hangar, spilling out onto the runway and surrounding area. The photos of this are just amazing.
The Game… and apparently once tied to a show on Australian TV (I don’t know), the Life on Mars site is still up so you can still play the games, there’s about 30 of them. Each game is supposed to be
a location on Earth (Finland has a hot tub game, India gets a Bollywood inspired one). They’re quick, way to cutesy, but it will finish off a good chunk of Monday for you..
Oldies but Goodies. Soda Constuctor is an old favorite of mine. Designed as a teaching tool(? you have to be kidding me), Soda Constructor is a Java toy for designing little robots, made of strings and connections. These robots can be animated, on their own, and try to walk around an environment you control (things like gravity are adjustable). Lots of fun messing around, but even more fun to really try and build something stable and still keep it interesting.
CC:365 bits of note from the last week: http://indieish.com/
Day 109 : Zool – Le Sentier De Ma Guerre (Crunchy guitars with a solid rock sensibility)
Day 111 : Lo Tag Blanco – Slumlord (Nice killer groove)
Day 113 : Sickboys and Lowmen – I’ve Got It All (This is country? I don’t think so)
Now don’t forget the to pop into the blog (
https://thatchspace.com/ ) for the odd update during the week.
As usual have a good one
{ Currently listening to Flook and The Clash }
{ Quick Status Check: 7 hours rebuilding recalcitrant PC’s is hell}