Who could possibly be upset with the Mozilla Foundation for giving away its Firefox browser?
Well according to this article in the
Times Online -Technology News Gervase Markham (he works for the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting choice and innovation on the internet), has found one Trading Standards officer who is incredulous:
“I can’t believe that your company would allow people to make money from something that you allow people to have free access to. Is this really the case?” she asked.
“If Mozilla permit the sale of copied versions of its software, it makes it virtually impossible for us, from a practical point of view, to enforce UK anti-piracy legislation, as it is difficult for us to give general advice to businesses over what is/is not permitted.”
Oh dear , Mozilla is being held responsible for the disintegration of the UK anti-piracy system. Who would have thought giving away software could cause such difficulties?
You really have to read this one