[photopress:diamondmax_10_drive.jpg,full,alignleft] Jools sent me this. Hard Drive Disk Dying Dance Contest – @ Gizmodo and it Finishes tomorrow American Time.
A quick bit of background. Hitachi put up some .wav files with the sounds of hard drives gone bad. If you ever heard some of these sounds you will know all of them sound “expensive”. So Gizmodo is offering a Tokyoflash Equalizer watch (an RTA in a wrist watch? I have no idea) to the person who uses those sounds to create a song that makes the whole world sing.
So how could I walk past this. A quick dash across to the audio PC, fire up Acid and Sound Forge (dont leave home etc) and a few hours of hysterical laughter and there you have my entry to the competition. It’s called hardrive01.mp3
It’s fun being a dilettante.
Have a go. You can hear some of the competition at Odeo. Mine is called Harddrive Stab. Silliest fun I have had for ages.
Update: Jools has just finished sending her entry in as well. Hers is called HardChill.mp3 I really like what she did with hers. It has an amazing groove sitting under it. Really nice.
Another Update: http://us.gizmodo.com/gadgets/announcements/hd-dying-dance-mix-contest-day-3-150787.php
Last Update: Neither of us won. But we did have fun