My favourite post on Thatchspace last week was “CSI and Failing Plasticine” https://thatchspace.com/wordpress/2006/04/23/csi-and-failing-plasticine/
and then every episode of CSI /NCIS /Law and Order had a facial reconstruction in it (OK it just seemed that way). Strange huh (cue Twilight Zone Music now)? Probably not.
Well with the end of the public holidays here in Victoria for a while, I felt that I had better have a decent game or two this week to help everyone get over the fact.
I got over it, there are no decent games out there, just silly ones. Here is yet another silly Flash game, Monkey Lander is a monkey-driven rocket-powered Flash-based version of the age old Lunar Lander game ( i remember coding this in Basic on a Commodore C64). But Monkey Lander has more character, and includes fruit and stuff to gather for points before trying to crash… sorry that should be land.
You can find a version of the old Lunar Lander as a Java applet too.
If you really, really want to kill some time today (and possibly the rest of your week), stroll on over to Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection, here you will find about 24 open source, cross-platform puzzle games. Some you’ll recognise, like Solo (Sudoku), Mines (Minesweeper), and Guess (Mastermind), others perhaps not, but if you like a puzzle this is the place to start looking. {Insert addiction warning here}
A lot of video things this week caught my eye, Over at Youtube ( a great bandwidth sponge if ever I saw one) there is a mashup of the V for Vendetta trailer, recast with Sesame Street characters.
Strange Company have just released the first episode of their Machinima feature film, BloodSpell, under Creative Commons licensing. It’s described as a “post-goth punk fantasy adventure” about a world where some people are infected with magic in their blood – when the blood is spilled, the magic comes out (like electronic devices and smoke?)
There is a ton of work in this, most of which was volunteers.
Machinima as a form, is still discovering what it’s for, and the Strange Company folks look like they have an idea and aren’t scared to use it
You can find out more about Machinima over at http://www.machinima.com/
Probably not work place friendly (put the head phones in)
And to finish off, there is a blog called “TV In Japan” Here is ‘Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider can!’. On TV. In Japan.
and Spiderman Versus the Samurai (no it’s not Shintaro but it’s really trashy and funny as)
Definitely not workplace friendly, probably not even sanity friendly. Remember, “It’s not my fault”.
CC:365 bits of note from the last week: http://indieish.com/
Grant had a great week this week. Lots of really good stuff.
Day 119 : Atomic Tom – Secret Fascination ( oh yes this is good… really really good guitars)
Day 118 : Jade Leary – Earthwish on Saturn (not what I expected, I like the ambience in the back)
Day 116 : Fluid – 5 Star Fall (weird litlle pop band. Great sound, retro as all hell)
Now don’t forget the to pop into the blog ( https://thatchspace.com/ ) for the odd update during the week.
As usual have a good one
{ Currently listening to Atomic Tom (thanks Grant) and Neil Young (Rust) }
{ Quick Status Check: After that Japanese TV… I am so going to hell}