Sorry about last week, and thanks to those of you who said hi, it would appear that I had been cursed.
This from Phillip
“Just because it’s a typical English summer’s morn – first day of Wimbledon; mid-summer’s day; dark, grey/gray (UK v USA) clouds; not a breath of fresh air; rain coming down in stair-rods – you think that you can get away with trying to ignore it?
Nah. I am an expert in long-distance-internet-hypnosis.
You will suffer like the rest of us; you will not be able to get this image out of your mind; you look out of your window and you do not see the songlines of the land; the sunshine-dreaming has been overshadowed by the UK-drizzle-nightmare.
By the time you read this it will be too late. Thatchspace will be in dreary-mode.
(Cue manic laughter and organ music)
“long-distance-internet-hypnosis” this could be a new explanation of memes
Anyway on with the sillies.
This from Jools
“Here’s what a flock of a million starlings looks like. In Denmark, they call it the Black Sun.”
I can remember seeing similar displays when we were over in Ireland and Scotland but nowhere as big as this.
Arca Musarithmica Is a musical sculpture made up of three separate musical instruments created or modified by CTP. They consist of:
A: The Snap Organ, an organ made up of the lids from Honest Tea bottles glued to PVC resonant chambers and activated by solenoids.
B: The Vibrolin, an electric violin played by vibrating motors on small pivoting arms. and
C: The Bottle Organ, a set of various sized glass bottles, also played by vibrating motors.
The hand controllers are designed to resemble and feel somewhat like a Kalimba
Check out his photoset at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ctp/sets/72157594160650534/
Check out the video at http://www.rocketboom.com/vlog/archives/2006/06/rb_06_jun_26.html .
Hmm. A large salad bowl full of liquid nitrogen and a small hotel swimming pool and a bunch of bored student. this cant be good. Actually it creates a great fog in a totally normal hotel (Possibly not worksafe ads) http://www.collegehumor.com/movies/1695491/
You will so want to do this.
This is the future we were supposed to get. Space Colony Art from the 1970s
“A couple of space colony summer studies were conducted at NASA Ames in the 1970s. Colonies housing about 10,000 people were designed. A number of artistic renderings of the concepts were made. These have been converted to jpegs and are available as thumbnails, quarter page, full screen and publication quality images.”
Boy did we get ripped off.
Flash Game Time. Grow Version 2. has been released . Yes I know that Grow Version 3 has been out for awhile, but the writers have released the previously unfinished Version 2 to quell cries of “where are v1 and v2?” , not as polished as V3 but it’s still a fun challenge. If you get stuck, the solution is easily Googled.
parkingZone is a simple puzzle game in which you must move each of five cars into the same coloured parking space. It’s a lot like one of those sliding tile puzzles (they drive me crazy), as there’s only one empty space at any given time, and only cars which have a direct connection to the empty space can be moved into it. The trick is to move the cars in the right order, and do it before you use up your 50 moves.
All of the music stuff is now over at our (Jools and Ian are contributors as well) new project
and don’t forget to leave a comment or two and let us know what you think.
Now don’t forget the to pop into the blog ( https://thatchspace.com/ ) for the odd update during the week.
As usual have a good one
{ Currently listening to Al DiMeola and kd lang }
{ Quick Status Check: Going to Hell. but hey, I will have company }
{Crop Circle Status Check: Seven for June. I think the “aliens” are off watching the world cup} http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2006/2006june.html
A flock of a million starlings = UK school-kids playing truant! Memeplex – a place where only I can go to talk to Me, about Me, with Me?
Currently listening to: Some old biddy whingin’ on about the cost of elastic stockings and Fibrogel so can we please refund her bank charges?
(Those of you with a betting nature can start the odds as 1000 to 1 that I’ll agree;
those who know that the milk of human kindness long ago turned to sour bitter sap within these saggy paps will know the outcome!)