Just a quick one this week. We are a tad time challenged just at the moment.
Here is the games fix (probably for the rest of the year)
Web site vNES lets you play any of over 200 NES games online, in your browser. So you are sitting back remembering the fun you used to have playing say 1942 or Legend of Zelda. This is the site for you. Requires Java 1.5 or higher.
and a quick video fix . a weeks worth of art time lapsed into just under 6 minutes. I really like the music as well. Very cool
and from Jools
“Animations, did anyone ask for animations? Blur studios, excellent stuff.”
She isn’t wrong either, check out Rockfish and turn up the volume
And lastly some of the highlights from over at
Lots of interesting stuff this week stroll over and have a rummage.
As usual have a good one
{ Currently listening to the fan whirring on the PC’s }
{ Currently reading: The back of the coffee jar }
{ Quick Status Check: Still going to hell? What’s your guess? No prizes for a correct answer }
{Crop Circle Status Check: Over ’til next year}