QSClient is a system-independent client application to access over 25 internet-services and as far as a can see a bloody godsend.
It´s currently available for windows and unix systems and fits perfectly into the desktop or shell environment. The main reason QSClient was written is the fact that there is no real standard to start internet tasks like a remote desktop connection, ssh sessions or just web logins.
Everything depends on the system: Sometimes you find a rdp client here, or download a ssh client from there. Or just think about pptp-connections: how many posts do you find on the internet, where the normal user surrenders by such a simple task like setting up a pptp connection.
The QSClient looks to be a killer solution for all of this stuff. Just download and install, put the connection information into a qsc file and click on it – Everything will be done within a blink of your eyes. The QSClient auto-installer has all the missing tools and clients you need and puts them together into a common framework.
You can find the download off the Quick Server Client Quickstart guide.
Now if only it would run from my USB thingie… sigh.