So you got all this nifty new music for Christmas and I’ll bet you would you like to listen to your mp3 music no matter where you are? This is the thing for you!
is a tool that allows you to listen to your mp3 files from other computers. By running a simple installer, the RemoteMP3 server is installed on your computer. After you have done this, you can easilly use a web-browser to access your mp3 files and play them directly on the web! No plugins or extensions are needed (except the Macromedia Flash player, but lets face it you cant really avoid getting it these days with nearly all the newer browsers).
The cool part is that RemoteMP3 allows you to listen to the mp3’s, but it is not possible to download them. This is due to copyright and piracy reasons… and the fact they are all wrapped up in Flash helps a bit as well. Note! If your computer is located behind a half decent firewall, it will not be possible to access the mp3 files from the internet.
Also this is freeware, and uses the Apache Web Server as webserver, and SwiftMP3 by Olivier Debon to generate the Flash mp3 data. Licence agreements for both products can be found within the bundle.
This is a very clever piece of work and I am jealous as hell