Max Kiesler is designer and principal of, a web consultancy in San Francisco focused on next generation websites. In his blog he has listed a bunch of AJAX demos and examples that he has found on the web.
For those of us attempting to come to grips with AJAX, there are many ways to learn AJAX including, books, classes, conferences, workshops and tutorials. Best of all these web-based tutorials are free and accessible (I save some of them to my Pocket PC to read on the train) and contain quite a bit more information than just a raw chunk of code.
Here is a link to his list Max Kiesler – Round-up of 30 AJAX Tutorials
Many thanks Max.
Also under the Ajax, Ruby on Rails and friends theme.
There is
You have to love the internet, everything moves at such weird speeds. In a few short months, Ajax has moved from an obscure and rarely used technology to the hottest thing since sliced bread. This article introduces the incredibly easy-to-use Ajax support that is part of the Ruby on Rails web application framework. This is not a step-by-step tutorial, and it is assumed that you know a little bit about how to organize and construct a Rails web application. If you need a quick refresher, check out Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 1 and Part 2.
and there is
Brad Neuberg: Coding In Paradise: AJAX: Creating Huge Bookmarklets
A bookmarklet is a special piece of JavaScript code that can be dragged into a user’s link toolbar, and which later can be clicked on to implement cross-site behavior. People have done all sorts of cool stuff with it.Bookmarklets have size limitations, which differ based on browser and platform, since they must fit into a certain number of characters. They can also be difficult to maintain for more sophisticated scripts, since every line of JavaScript code has to be jammed into one line.
and finally there is
Dan Grossman of has a great post on A Venture Forth -Top 10 Ajax Applications
Ajax programming techniques have recently generated lots of buzz for good reason: they can be used to create interesting browser-based applications that do things many thought impossible with typical web browsers (in particular, a certain Ajax technique can send and receive data to and from a server without requiring the browser to refresh or reload).
UPDATE: Max has Just posted 60 more Ajax Tutorials.