We all need to take the odd screenshot now and then , and there’s no shortage of utilities to make that task easier and more efficient. I normally use Irfanview my favourite “swiss army graphics tool”.
Another choice that also happens to be free is Screenshot Captor, which includes a wide range of features, including the ability to capture preset regions of the screen, set a timer for screenshots, save screenshots to a library, and to export screenshots in a wide range of file formats. The program includes basic editing functions to tweak your screenshots and even a couple of neat filters like “active window enhancement,” which lets you capture the entire screen but blurs background windows in order to highlight the window that has focus.
Screenshot Captor is a program for taking screenshots on your computer. It’s different from other screenshot utilis in several notable ways:
- Optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention.
- Smart autonaming of files, and ability to embed textual comments in files.
- Good multi-monitor support. (Hooray)
- Highly configurable to make it work the way you want it to; stays out of your way in the system tray.
- Lots of capture modes: Multimon, Desktop, Active Window, Region, Windows Object. Each mode has a hotkey for quick access.
- Slimline sidebar file browser provides full shell operations.
Just one of those little things that can make life easier.