Last week Jools and I went to a lecture/seminar/talk put on by AGDA. It was basically a bunch of designers and the like given 12 minutes to talk about their work. It was great.
I had two favourites for the night was a dude from Sydney (they gave him 24 minutes) called Luca Ionescu. He was so up about his job (everyone in the room wanted it) and the breadth of clients and ideas. The one that got me was how they used a CNC laser cutter to “engrave” skateboard planks. Now here is where it gets weird. Last Friday there was a piece in Wired Magazine about the skateboard plank exhibition.
The other was Alex Tyers, he is an Information Designer. He had 12 minutes and it seemed like I got about 10 hours of ideas out of his talk.
I hope AGDA does another one of these. It was great.
And then to round the week off, the tickets for Ross & Spectrum have arrived, so Jools and I will be at the Trades Hall on the 22nd.
“Flash Game Dept”. Even though Jools is NOT in charge of “Flash Game Procurement”, she keeps finding some real gems. Remember BLAME her
” http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/sea.htm
Oi Vey. Love, Jools ”
Oi vey indeed, my score was 289. Pathetic really.
And while we are throwing BLAME around, Jools found this youtube video of “500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art “, it was doing the rounds pretty heavily this week but it’s really cute.
“I’m Going To Regret This Dept” I know I said I was going to leave the whole MAC-PC, leave the fanboys alone, yadayadayada. But then this appeared in my Inbox (thanks Jools)
Imagine if the creators of South Park did the Mac vs. PC ads.
NO EMAIL WILL BE ENTERED INTO. It’s a joke. Laugh. Oh crap.
“Silly Steampunk Dept”. Issue 2 of Steampunk Magazine is out, yes I can see your eyes glazing over already. trust me {famous last words}. Here is the hype from their front page.
“Before the age of homogenization and micro-machinery, before the tyrannous efficiency of internal combustion and the domestication of electricity, lived beautiful, monstrous machines that lived and breathed and exploded unexpectedly at inconvenient moments. It was a time where art and craft were united, where unique wonders were invented and forgotten, and punks roamed the streets, living in squats and fighting against despotic governance through wit, will and wile.
Even if we had to make it all up.”
I love this stuff.
“The Cult of Lego Dept”. From CNN “Man builds a living out of LEGO” Open the story, click on the Gallery link about three paragraphs in and checkout this guy’s work. It’s truly amazing.
And lastly some of the highlights from over at http://notdeadyet.com.au/ this week. I got off on a small Americana thing last week, Last Ditch Remedy, Holly O’Rielly and then got caught up in some house music by Andy Caldwell. Weird week. Have a listen.
{Currently listening to Runrig & Pearls Before Swine}
{Currently reading: The Troy Game Series by Sara Douglas (it’s a thick novel and it’s Part One of Three)}
{Quick Status Check: Where the Hell is the year going?}
{Crop Circle Status: May: A total of Five for the month of May. None for June http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2007/2007.html }