Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20070430
A quick one this week as I find myself a tad strapped for time.
We will get the Flash Game people out of the way first. We have had one of these a while back but they are so simple and yet so insanely addicting.
The missiles take way to long to reload
This is just mad, Coca-Cola is teaming up with L’Oreal to make a skin cream. It’s only fair I suppose seeing as how drinking the stuff gives you pimples. now they will fix them. this really is mad.
Raku Ray Guns are one-of-a-kind ceramic sculptures made by West Magoon. They are inspired by alien technology unearthed at a secret UFO crash site, known only to a tribe of Wyoming Hill People. These photos depict all of the individual Ray Guns currently available. Each is named after a classic science fiction author. The moon crater wall plaques that support the guns each measure 12″ wide by 9″ high. Yes yes . we all want one (or two or three)
Kalene (of assorted “Blame” fame) left a cooment in last weeks blog.
“Can anyone recall seeing “Spinal Tap” performed entirely by Peeps?
I am sure that I saw it last year and when looking for it this year all I found was Peeps “Lord of the Rings.” Excellent, but not what was required.
If anyone has seen it, (or references to it to prove I am not entirely mad,) please leave a comment.
I am confident that if anyone can find it, someone from the MMItP community can.
We’re a community? That’s a scary thought but if any one can help leave a message in the comments at Thatchspace or email me and I will make sure it gets to the right place
And lastly some of the highlights from over at this week. All sorts of goodies this week. Jools did a quick review of some unsigned Australian bands. I rediscovered Will Ackerman. Rather an odd week. Have a listen.
{Currently listening to Will Ackerman & Artic Monkeys}
{Currently reading: }
{Quick Status Check: Still going to hell}
{Crop Circle Status: April: We now have 2
(Going well isn’t it}
Here is a link to the JAWS – peeps movie