Hello all,
Currently I am moving servers, a thankless and tedious task. But it will soon be over. While I have been hurrying up and waiting for stuff to transfer halfway around the world, I wrote up a short piece about “My Friend Ian”. You can find it at
https://thatchspace.com/2007/05/06/mfi-or-what-bland-did-next/ and I am putting the finishing touches to his websitehttp://www.ianbland.com.au/ . Stroll over and have a sneak preview. Leave a comment on the thatchspace site and let me know what you think.
Now lets dispatch the Flash Game people. Today’s game is just so silly, it’s called Acrobats and it’s all Jools fault. Yep more “BLAME” for Jools.
This looks like an impedimentia right enough.
Love, Jools”
It is and remember it’s not my fault.
We haven’t touched on the “Cult of Lego” for awhile, not for lack of material I assure you (the obscurity filter again) but today we have a LEGO Johnny Five. Yep, Daniele Benedettelli made an amazing LEGO Johnny Five, the hours of research (god knows how many times he went through the movie) and the attention to detail. This is a hoot. Yes of course “I want one” and so will you. This Lego model is probably more complicated than the screen original.
After Kermit {insert hysterical waving of arms here} the cookie monster was always my favourite Muppet ( I have no idea what that says about me). Over at YouTube this week is a classic piece of Muppet footage. Three words. Cookie Monster, computer and well just watch it.
Just in case you hadn’t guessed Jeremy Clarkson hates computers. ( Why do I identify with grumpy old curmudgeons these days???)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJv6800eflo and the old favourite, Hollywood and computers. they almost had to invent the word clueless.
Now for some real art. Artists Sachiko Kodama and Yasushi Miyajima create magnificently surreal kinetic sculptures where a liquid filled with nanoscale ferromagnetic particles flows, rotates, and shapeshifts around a simple iron tower structure in response to shifts in a magnetic field. The piece is titled “Morpho Towers – Two Standing Spirals” (2006-2007).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me5Zzm2TXh4 and
Magnetospere is by Robert Hodgin. He wote it using a language called Processing. Electric Sheep fractal images and a great sound track. Damn I wish I had more time, this looks like immense fun
Processing language here http://processing.org/
And lastly some of the highlights from over at http://notdeadyet.com.au/ this week. All sorts of goodies this week. Jools did a quick review of Christopher Dean. I rediscovered more Windham Hill and ECM people. Have a listen.
{Currently listening to Imogen Heap & David Torn}
{Currently reading: Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, yep a novel }
{Quick Status Check: Moving servers is hell}
{Crop Circle Status: April: End Score 3 – May: Zero
http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2007/2007.html (Going well isn’t it)}