The new duggup@notdeadyet site overhaul seems to have gone down well. Jools has been tweaking some of the bits as we got used to it. I have Warren Zevon’s Sentimental Hygiene on 11 in the headphones, damn it’s good. I love finding old albums that I haven’t heard for yonks.
You assume that you remember the songs but when you put it on the player, it is startling just how good and fresh it all sounds. I will have to spend a day a week going backwards and writing up some old stuff as well. I already found some old Dream Theater stuff that I have uploaded to my MP3 player.
So with a soundtrack of ice clinking in a glass of single malt it’s time tp “Allez Sillies”
Cats. we haven’t done cats for awhile so today courtesy of Roger L (yes that’s who you get to BLAME) we have this wonderful video by an English animator called Simon Tofield and it is actually called ‘Cat Man Do’ (it’s been doing the rounds under the title of “Wake Up Cat”). He works for an animation company called Tandem Films. Jools and I have owned cats like this.
This weeks sci-fi story is Kiosk by Bruce Sterling. It’s a story that reads like a Make Magazine. 3D printing, carbon nano-tubes and tons more. You can find it at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Not sure how long it will last. http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/fiction/bs01.htm
This was at Boing Boing.
“The folks who made the brilliant Battle of Helm’s Deep made of candy over last year’s Christmas break have topped themselves with a followup: a candy scale model of Minas Tirith from the Battle of Pelennor Fields. It’s giant. Stupendous. Edible! ” It’s Brilliant.
Jools spotted this over at YouTube. What if God had a Myspace?
Not really a lot to say except DON’T drink your coffee while watching this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU_iZfe5Xa4 and while you are there
A dude in New York City chucks a paper plane from 300 feet up an apartment building and naturally he videos the resulting 55-second flight.
This week over at http://duggup.notdeadyet.com.au, we had some interesting bits. My favourite is a band called Abney Park http://www.notdeadyet.com.au/duggup/2008/01/18/abney-park-stigmata-martyr/ and Paul Kelly is giving away live tracks for free (How cool is that)http://www.notdeadyet.com.au/duggup/2008/01/16/paul-kelly-a-to-z-live/ Jools had the find of the week though with Marc Cohn http://www.notdeadyet.com.au/duggup/2008/01/19/saturday-samples-marc-cohn/ Stroll over and check them out.
Game Time: If you enjoy defense games, you might want to check out StormWinds 1.5. It’s different from other defense games I have featured in the past, the biggy is you don’t throw weapons all over the palce and leave them automatically fire at enemies, this time you get up to four weapons and can only control one at a time. That means you have to pick carefully and work on your aim. On the upside the attack waves are predictable and get stronger and more numerous as the game goes on. I have no idea why I like this style of game but this is one out of the box. http://armorgames.com/play/543/stormwinds-15
Have a good one
{Currently listening to Warren Zevon and Marc Cohn and Levon Helm. It’;s Americana week }
{Currently reading: Zencart manual }
{Quick Status Check: Hmmm, Still Going To Hell}
{Crop Circle Status: It’s not long to May now and the games will begin again. http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2007/2007.html }