Well even though we are enjoying the end of our summer (The Australia Day weekend is the un-official end of summer here in Australia), there is still productivity that needs impdeminting, Yep it’s a grubby job but someone has to do it. So here is the The Melbourne Symphony orchestra, conducted by Cezary Skubiszewski, playing the unofficial Australian National Anthem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUru7nSyKxQ
So with a soundtrack of ice clinking in a glass of single malt it’s time tp “Allez Sillies”
How come we don’t get buildings like this one in Australia, Head over to http://designflute.wordpress.com/2008/01/11/green-turfed-roofscape/ and check out the 5 storey School of Art, Design & Media at Nanyang Technological University campus, Singapore. It’s got a turf roof, glass walls and unpainted concrete. It’s fabulous. What do we get, crap. Sorry I just saw this and felt so ripped of as I looked out the window at the city of Melbourne in the distance.
Video killed the Radio Star, or so they would have us believe. Vitaly Friedman & Sven Lennartz over at Smashing Magazine have assembled a collection of 29 music videos, here is what they had to say.
“Some of the videos are thought-provoking, some of them are funny and some are bizarre. While many of them are well-known, you’ll probably find some videos you’ve never watched before. The videos all (fit) perfectly to the music which is being played in the background. Hopefully, everyone will find something new and inspiring for himself/herself. Please notice that you might need to watch some videos at least twice to get the idea behind them.”
There are a whole bunch here that I haven’t seen before the Sigur Ros is stunning and so is the Daft Punk clip but for totally different reasons. This should keep you going ’til lunch time.
Now we all know how much fun I had at the Art Gallery last year, well here is a chance to join in the fun. Jools spotted http://jacksonpollock.org/ during the week and I had a lot of fun with it. Curiously relaxing.
And continuing in the gallery, this contribution from Karen. “http://www.boredstop.com/shadow.htm
You’ll never look at garbage the same way again. ”
Tim Noble and Sue Webster are artists based in England, they make their pieces from piles of rubbish that they collect from the street. A light is projected against the pile, and the shadow on the wall creates an entirely different image, typically one of the couple themselves: this is not at all apparent from looking directly at the pile.
I find myself intruiged by the whole American political process, it seems that I am not the only one. Jools sent this along and I couldn’t stop laughing
This week over at http://duggup.notdeadyet.com.au, we had the usual eclectic crop, Jools was taken with Carbon Leaf and the Warumpi band (damn they were good). My favourite this week is “Black Mountain” or “Dirty Projectors”. I also wrote up some Lunasa “Live To Air” Concerts. Just brilliant. Stroll over and check them out.
Game Time: Jools is having a good time searching out impedimentia but starts her studies tomorrow. This is a ripper game, so simple, so beguiling, so much time consumed. but here is what Jools wrote
“I died on level 20 with a score of 1239 which I thought must be pretty good until I saw the high scores and well – see if you can do better.
Love, Jools
http://www.addictinggames.com/choppapoppa.html ”
We wont talk about my score. Ever.
Have a good one
{Currently listening to Neil Murray and Goanna Band }
{Currently reading: Google Analytics Manual (they write great search but crap manuals) }
{Quick Status Check: Hmmm, Still Going To Hell especially after the “National Anthem above)}
{Crop Circle Status: It’s not long to May now and the games will begin again. http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2007/2007.html }