Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20080630


I have a cold, a real beaut. So this isn’t going to be a long one. The highlight of the week (before my body turned traitor, was finding a live recording by Big Country. It was recorded on New Years Eve in 1983 at Barrowlands. I heard this concert about 20 years ago and was totally blown away by it and then I stumbled on it at Wolfgang’s Vault. It sounds just wonderful still. Damn they were a good band.

Let’s start with art and Lego. As part of Bocchignano, Italy’s group project “20 Eventi,” Jan Vormann went around town and filled in all the cracks in the walls with painstakingly clicked-together patches made from legos They then took photo’s of it all whacked ’em in a box and flogged off the pics.

Jools spotted this one over at Mini Movie Channel.
Putin and Bush Putting on the Ritz.

Another one from Jools.

“device to root out evil’ by the American artist Dennis Oppenheim has recently come under a lot of controversy. the large scale sculpture was first exhibited at the 1997 Venice biennale. in the form of an upside down church, with its steeple buried in the ground the work is a clear remark on religion. the sculpture was later moved to a public park in vancouver, canada as part of the vancouver sculpture biennale in 2005. Unsurprisingly, the public had mixed a mixed reaction to the work. recently, the vancouver public parks committee voted to remove the sculpture. the glenbow museum in calgary, canada jumped at the opportunity to display the sculpture, which will arrive in a week or so. the piece was previously rejected by stanford university in 2004, oppenheim’s alma mater

So it’s not just Melbourne that it clueless when it comes to public art. But Calgary seems to have its act together.
This week at Duggup. Jools wrote about “Kenny Wayne Shepherd”, he is quite a spiffy guitarist.. Well worth a look. Me, my faves this week would be “Damien Dempsey” and “She & Him”. Damien Dempsey is amazing. Head over and check it out.

Flash Game Time: On Mondays you will have noticed that there is a overwhelming urge to waste time. and seeing as how a few of our readers (yes there are more than two. god knows why) like cats Todays timewaster is Kitten Cannon. Yep, today we shoot small fluffy kittens out of a cannon.

Well that’s enough for this week. Have a good one.


{Currently listening to Pete Seeger and Big Country (Barrowlands 1983 Live Concert)
{Currently reading: Greg Bear’s Eternity (it seems to be taking an eternity }
{Quick Status Check: Runny Nose, Crapped out lungs, aching joints. this is hell}
{Crop Circle Status: Total for is June so far is 9. A whole one showed up. {insert head shaking here} }

Categorized as Mondays

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