It’s been ages since Jools and I have been down to Harmony Row @ Albert Park (now Albert Park Port Lounge) and frankly I have to wonder why we have left it so long.
Cliff sent out (just subscribe to his email list – trust me) that Danny Spooner was playing and that was enough for Jools.
We were going.
In Japan, Danny Spooner would be made a “living national treasure“, in Australia he gets the odd gig at the National Folk Festival and the like {insert head shaking here}. I have memories of seeing Danny perform back at Frank Traynors when I first discovered guitars back in the late 60’s.
The song I picked is “Newry Town”, it’s about a criminal’s life, deeds, and death.
As a final thought, if you ever get a chance to hear Danny perform, do not miss it.
Thanks to Cliff and Trevor for an awesome night.
Boring Tech Stuff:
The Zoom H4n recorded in Stereo @ 44.1kHz/16 bit. It was sitting on the table (Hence the bumps and “ambient” noises ) and we were stage left just pointed at Danny on stage.
The room is a large square reverberant space with the PA set left and right of the stage.