Testing the Post 2 Email via Jetpack Module

I decided I wanted to revive my blog this year so I had a look at what options were available and an article about the postie plugin being down piqued my curiosity.

I had a bit of a rummage and discovered that the swiss army knife that is Jetpack had squirrelled away in its bowels a similar (if not as elegant ) function

Lets see how it goes …


Post by Email

Post by Email is a way of publishing posts on your blog with an email address. Any email service can be used to send email to this address, allowing you to quickly and easily publish from devices where the WordPress app may not be installed.

You can enable the Post by Email feature from Jetpack> Settings> Writing> Publish posts by sending an email in your site’s WP Admin.

Continue reading for more detail, or click on a section below to be taken directly to it.

Creating an Email Address

Posting by email requires an email address to post to, not from. This should be a secret address that only you know, otherwise, anyone who knows it can submit content to your site. Jetpack provides suggestions for a secret address under Jetpack> Settings> Writing> Post by Email when clicking the ‘Create Address’ button:

Jetpack will generate a random address like the one below. Do not use this address for your own site.

Each click of the ‘Regenerate address’ button will generate a new random address. Once you see an address you like, leave it in place, and your site will be ready to receive posts by email.

Sending Emails

Publishing a post by email is straightforward. Please note that you can only post by email to one site at a time.

Post By Email - mail example

When writing a new email the subject line will be used as your post’s title, and the email body will be used as the post’s content. If it’s not possible to provide a subject line a shortcode can be used instead (explained below).

Mail Formatting

Your email can be plain text or formatted. Be aware that the Post by Email system will strip any HTML tags that it thinks will interfere with a post’s display on your site. For example, italic and bold formatting will be retained, but colour and font changes will not.

Note: when posting by email you will need to use an email client that supports rich text or HTML formatting in order to make use of formatting. Most website based clients support this, as do most desktop clients. Keep in mind that you may need to switch your client into rich text or formatted mode.


When posting by email, signatures that match the standard signature block pattern will be automatically removed:


(that is, dash dash space)

Posting by email will also remove anything after a <hr/> HTML tag, and will attempt to clean up cellphone network signatures as well.

If your email system attaches a signature that does not match any of these patterns then you can manually tell Post by Email to stop including the signature by adding a special

Categorized as Mondays

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