I decided I wanted to revive my blog this year so I had a look at what options were available and an article about the postie plugin being down piqued my curiosity. I had a…
Category: Mondays
Monday Morning “Impediments to Productivity”
MFI at the Brunswick Music Festival
Well once again the Brunswick Music Festival rolled around (it’s the opening of festival season – sort like daffodills and spring). This year My Friend Ian (hereinafter MFI as usual) played on the PBS Roots…
Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20090504
Hi, So for the time being let’s be wildly optimistic and assume that this missive is going to go back to it’s regular schedule (the odds are against it but as Leonard Cohen said “the…
Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20090420
Hi, What do you mean it’s past Easter, the last time I looked it was Christmas, bugger. Well after a longer (much much longer) than planned hiatus, Impediments is back. Well back with a quick…
Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20081222
Hi, Well folks, it’s official I’ve gone over to the dark side. {insert dum dum dum dumde dum dumdemum and asthma voice here} Jools went out and bought me a new MP3 player. It starts…
Monday Morning “Impediment to Productivity” – 20081201
Hi, OK, it’s December and that means that Christmas is now officially looming. Yes, I know that they have been selling Chrissy stuff on tele since Easter (remember only 130 days to get your chocolate…