Today we can chat about the question of “Who Owns Culture?” . A lot of this has been copped from an article in the New York Times. The New York Times reported on a public…
Reality Hacking
Well today we can talk about Reality Hacking. This group/person/hive collective I stumbled over some years ago in 1999 with “Cattle Scrabble“, they painted white letters on 65 cows. There is a whole bunch of…
Parasitic Power Shoes Project
Some of you have passed some thoughts about the Yesterdays Post (Car Pipe Organs). Now for those of you who were less than generous. Check this out. The Parasitic Power Shoes Project (thanks to the…
Car Pipe Organs
For the last couple of days, I have been thinking about car pipe organs again. This is an idea from some years back. The basics are fairly simple, you have a number of cars driving…