We haven’t done Firefox zealotry for a while. Lets start with getting rid of the download window by using the Download Statusbar by Devon Jensen The Download Statusbar Firefox extension gives you a small visual…
Category: Open Source
MediaCoder an open-source audio/video transcoder
Ever received a snippet of video from a friend with a MAC and not had it play? I wont go into the PC/Mac dichotomy other than to say that the PC world seems to have…
Password Exporter
Oh Dear… More Firefox zealotry. Following up on I sent you WHAT!!, today lets look at the reverse, How do you move your passwords, to a different PC. The answer (assuming you are using Firefox……
Web Developer Extension
(Even More) FireFox Goodness. There I was last Friday, explaining to a client about how a quick hack I wrote for their website worked and using the Web Developer Extension to show them how the…
Ubuntu LAMP Server
More Ubuntu Goodness. Over at Howto Forge Chris L Fay has wriiten a liller post on LAMP Installation On Ubuntu 6.06 For Linux Noobs. Not exactly up there with say “War and Peace” as a…
Software KVM Switches
I have a bunch of computers scattered around my workspace. One for the business stuff, one for recording, and the test bed (Ubuntu today, WIndows tomorrow, Centos last week). When the current one is busy…