Videos: Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Tim O’Reilly and Bill Gates

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, Senior Researcher at MIT’s CSAIL, and Professor of Computer Science at Southampton ECS. ( wow pretty impressive huh?) gave a talk on The Future of…


Sri Lanka changing address on the spritual plane

And you thought it was tough in Melbourne with the time changes wrought by the Commonwealh Games ( remember them? They were a week or so back. Didn’t think so.) Have a look at the…


Aspley Guise Video

Back in 2003 Jools and I were in England and my mum asked me if we could pop into Aspley Guise (if you are curious here is the Google Map link). Why? I hear you…


Never forget your USB-stick again

Does your USB thingy plug in at the BACK of your PC? Did you ever forget your USB stick at work, and then realised at home that you badly needed some files that were stored…


EasyUbuntu script

One of the big (and regular) complaints that I hear over and over again hear is that “Ubuntu doesn’t play my MP3’s” and it doesn’t straight out of the box. Ubuntu uses only open/free formats…
